Sunday, March 20, 2022

An Uneasy Feeling

 In her role as a guardian informant, Bashira has learned to listen to her gut over the years, and her gut has been very uneasy of late. Something is brewing. 

She hasn't heard anything on the
 streets or in her social circle, but she can feel that prickling on the back of her neck that always signals something unpleasant is coming.

She will need to be on alert, and ask Tariq his thoughts as well.............he hasn't mentioned anything, but living with her over the years he has learned to trust his instincts as well, and he often is privy to conversations she isn't.

Where is Tariq anyway?...................She thought he would have been home by now. She must remember he can take care of himself. He was trained by the best when he was cleared to be fully brought into her lifestyle. She mustn't worry................

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