Friday, March 6, 2020

The Lovely Liana

Liana, my lovely Stella, by Lyn Raftis has never really gotten the attention she deserves here. She is a floating head that was originally bought to fill a role within the Black Dagger Brotherhood resin world. For whatever reason, I've just never played with her much in that role. Maybe because that character was never one of my favorites. I decided since I do like her in period wear as much as I do modern clothing, it might be a fun fit for her with the HG. I got her out this morning to take some new pics of her and her story started to unfold for me a bit.
Liana was not born a Guardian, she was born into a human aristocratic family. Her mother however, her father's second wife, perished in child birth. She was the apple of her father's eye, and her elder brother was very jealous of the affection their father lavished on her over the years, educating her, and allowing her privileges normally reserved for sons. Upon her father's untimely demise, when Liana was only 18, she was turned out of the family home by her brother, (half brother actually, he was born of her fathers first wife) who disregarded their father's wishes entirely in regard to Liana's welfare.  If her father had not been so forward thinking, squirreling away money for her over the years, unbeknownst to her brother, (as her father didn't trust her brother would take care of her), she would have been penniless. She knew she had to invest the money wisely if she wanted it to last.
Her beauty had always been one of her greatest assets. Men (with the exception of her brother) were always trying to garner her attention. Along with her beauty, she also was gifted with an intelligent mind, and a caring nature. Because of her desire to help other women overcome their own unfortunate circumstances, she ended up starting one of the most successful "Houses of Assignation" in all of Europe. 
It was at the height of her success that her own life became in danger, and she met Zak. Who was not at all what he seemed.

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